Sunday, 20 November 2011

second sem in KMTK

dear blog..
to day is my first day in second semester at KMTK.. all new chapter i will  learnt..physic, chemistry, math, and civil engineering.. i also get new teacher and new situation..all this will happen to my english tutorial i have to be a promoter for a product... it seem like easy but not at to hart to me because i not good for english..huhu... but it seem i have to work harder..and have make a move to improve my english..huhu..

but i think i was scary with physic because it killer subject to me..honestly i love physic but it seem like it to hard..huhu...why i said like that?? huhu.. hope i can make chemistry , i also have the same problem like have many of concept that i have to understand and memorise..huhu.. i think my bahasa inggeris  it so bad..huhu..that all from me today..=)..enjoy your day.,.=)

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5Tk. raya 2010.=)

5Tk. raya 2010.=)